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How to Sign In and use Infinity Online Service (IOS)

Account gives you access to firmware/flash files and to many online services.

If you already have any Infinity product your Account account already activated and registration is not required.
If you do not have any Infinity product yet please contact to any Seller and order Infinity Credits. You will get Username and Password from the Seller.

Infinity Credits is some kind of universal so called logs that you can use to order products and services f.e. renew support, add more software to your Dongle/Account, get unlock services etc.

How to get Username and Password

  1. Connect Dongle to USB port
  2. Run Dongle Manager [Smart-Card Manager]
  3. Select [Get Username and Password] and you will see Username and FACTORY DEFAULT Password

  4. Sign In to Account with Username and FACTORY DEFAULT Password

  • FACTORY DEFAULT password has no effect after you change password to your own
  • You can secure your account with Two-Factor Authentication with Smart-Card Token or U2F
  • If you want to use server functions see How to Configure Software with your Username and Password

NOTE: extract files with 7-Zip and password 12345678 or 1111

How to recharge Account

  1. Find a Seller near you
  2. Send your Username to Seller
  3. Order Infinity Credits
  4. Wait some time, recharge time depends on Seller

How to reset Infinity Account password and e-mail

If you forgot password click to Reset Password and if you lost your e-mail click to Reset Everything

Server API

Configure your DHRU server to work with Account

Install Account API for other servers
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