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Team NEVER ask to contact or pay something in private!
Contact to WELL-KNOWN sellers only!

Where to buy

Dongle, Activations, Support Renew:HERE
Mass quantity with discount:sales@infinity-box.com

Tech Support

Support forum #1:HERE
Support forum #2:HERE
Activations transfer:help@infinity-box.com
Block lost Dongle:help@infinity-box.com
News:Telegram Channel
Live Chat:Telegram Chat English
Live Chat:Telegram Chat Русский, Українська, Белару́ская №1
Live Chat:Telegram Chat Русский, Українська, Белару́ская №2
Live Chat:Telegram Chat العربية

  • Escribe en cualquier idioma. Sabemos cómo utilizar el traductor de Google
  • Пішыце на любой мове. Мы ведаем, як карыстацца google translate
  • Écrivez dans n'importe quelle langue. Nous savons comment utiliser Google Translate
  • اكتب بأي لغة. نحن نعرف كيفية استخدام مترجم جوجل.
  • যে কোনও ভাষায় লিখুন। গুগল অনুবাদ কীভাবে ব্যবহার করতে হয় তা আমরা জানি।
  • Write in any language. We are experienced google translate users
  • Пишіть будь-якою мовою. Ми знаємо, як користуватися google translate
  • Pište v libovolném jazyce. Víme, jak používat překladač Google
  • Viết bằng bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào. Chúng tôi biết cách sử dụng google dịch
  • Пишите на любом языке. Мы умеем пользоваться google translate
  • Andika kwa lugha yoyote. Tunajua jinsi ya kutumia kutafsiri kwa google
  • किसी भी भाषा में लिखें। हम जानते हैं कि Google अनुवाद का उपयोग कैसे किया जाता है
  • Tulis dalam bahasa apa pun. Kami tahu cara menggunakan google translate
  • Schreiben Sie in einer beliebigen Sprache. Wir sind erfahrene Nutzer von Google Übersetzer

Technical Support Policy

You will get a reply to your question within 48 hours. Please remember about time zone difference, holidays, weekends etc. In fact team works non-stop 365/7/24 but in some cases we need time to reply.
In practice most queries handled within just a few hours. Unlike many companies we do not send any automated responses that usually do not help you much. Each support request is carefully read by support staff and often discussed with the programmers to give you the most comprehensive answer possible.

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