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License Agreement

By installing software you agree to the terms of the license agreement and selected debug reports transmission.

Tampering or changing IMEI is illegal in several countries. Software may have certain functions for IMEI repair. Software should not be used for any purpose other than original IMEI repair. The software creator shall not be held responsible for any illegal usage of the software.

Hardware Token (Dongle) is a software configuration and protection unit.
Do not use any kind of debuggers, disassemblers, remote/network sharing, port sniff/trace/analyze and similar software to avoid software conflicts.
Dongle remote/network sharing is forbidden.
Dongle protocol trace and/or sniff is forbidden.
Software debug and/or disassemble attempt may damage Dongle permanently.
Violation of usage rules may lead to Dongle misconfiguration or damage as well as account deactivation.

If you are not agree with given rules you should uninstall software and delete software files from all your devices.

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