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6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years

2011-04-21 [BEST] v1.20 released

- USB flashing improved

Loaders updated to v 11.10.0
MassMemory flashing improved
Added more hints and info
Some bugfixes and improvements at all

- JAF support improved

Added DCT4+ support
Added some service operations (DCT4/BB5)
AutoDetect phone
PM read/SelfTest/FactorySets/Read info
Added afterflash operations
Some bugfixes

- UFS support improved

Improved stability on service operations
Some bugfixes

- Service operations improved

Improved RPL operations (USB/FBUS)
Updated ccc/hwc,tune,camconf base
Some bugfixes

- Some GUI changes
- Server operations improved

New version must be used for upload jobs and other operations !
Added support for upload job to server from *.bat file for ighashgpu
Added save *.bat file for oclHashcat format for LBF

- ini updated
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