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2021-07-11 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.26 - New Core, BootLoader Unlock and more

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated (Raphael / Legacy)
Changed: MT6785 support fixed
Changed: MT6885 support fixed

Core: Protocol: FireFly activated
FireFly - Universal DownloadAgent that was created by Infinity Team to reach new service level and provide advanced features

Current Supported SoC (initial release):

Support operations:
Identify: Device Info (Android), HWInfo with Full eMMC and EOL info
Format FS: Smart Reset, Extra and all other modes are supported
MemoryTool: Allow execute ALL supported MemoryTool functions
! Read, Write (Binary, Sparse, Signed, Unsigned), Make FileSystems, Wipe, extra features
! Unlike MTK mode FireFly IS NOT rely on DA/Device security policy so there is no limits for different operations (No any Write / Erase issues)
BootLoader Unlock: Allow Unlock device Bootloader - WITHOUT touching UserData
! Bootloader unlock also allow unlock Brand-Specific cases (Xiaomi supported at the moment)

Changed : UniversalBoot : BootHelper
! Software always try to init BootRom mode if it's required for selected target
! Software allow force BootRom mode for generic models (plain one) if it's required
! In current release 4 different ways activated which cover most of cases but may not work with some cases, more to come

Changed: UltraFlash engine updated

Firmware Reader
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated
Changed: Huawei line changes and fixes

Changed: HWReport improved
Changed: "SmartReset" updated
Changed: "SmartReset Extra" updated
! Vendor-specific mode improved for Samsung devices (A4x and others)
! Device brands supported in EXTRA mode: Vivo, Meizu, Xiaomi, Samsung
Changed: Identify operation now save preloader backup
Changed: Identify opertaion now show OTP info for Alcatel-like and similar devices
NewFeature : BootLoader Unlock Activated ( No data Loss )
Changed: Full MemoryInfo (include CSD, WP status, EOL info etc.) now shown in FireFly mode by default

Changed: Preloader Init has been rebuild - Raphael, Legacy, FireFly
Changed: Automatic selection rules updated
Changed: Extra operations updated
Changed: FileSystem build revised
Changed: FireFly as core protocol supported in MemoryTool

Changed: Many different general changes and fixes applied
Changed: Protocol/SoC Generation switch can be done over "Platform" in System Menu
! According to Platform/Protocol selection some features may enabled or disabled - make right Platform selection before operation!

Dongle firmware version required: 0150

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